Becky Toal

Becky Toal


Becky Toal
Associate Consultant


Carbon Footprinting & Energy Management
Sustainable Events



MBA Environmental Management
MSC Environmental Impact Assessment
BSc Ecology
C.Env Chartered Environmentalist with the Society for the Environment
Registered Lead Environmental Auditor with IEMA.
Full Member of IEMA.

Key Skills

Carbon Footprinting (including Carbon Action Standard Assessor)
Energy Management
Sustainability including Sustainable Events Standard - BS8901
Environmental management ISO14001:2015
Corporate & Social Responsibility

Industry Sectors



Experienced in most industry sectors including:
Retail, Banking and Finance, Agriculture, Chemical, Manufacturing (Food and Non-Food), Pharmacy (Retail), Travel, Governmental Organisations, Funerals, Engineering, Automotive, Recycling, Events.

Career History


RKMS Associate Consultant                                                           2010
The Co-operative Group – Environmental Programme Manager       4 years
The Co-operative Bank – Ecological Analyst                         2 years
English Nature – Environmental Manager                                          2 years



Becky has provided support and services to the following organisations:
Enworks, Envirowise, Envirolink Northwest & WRAP
Liverpool John Moore’s University & Lancaster University
And certification assessment services to BSI, LRQA, CFA & SGS