What is ISO 9001:2015?
ISO9001:2015 is an International Quality Management Standard which companies can use to demonstrate their ability to meet their customer's requirements. Interested parties will be potential new customers and third party assessment bodies etc.
In order to meet the requirements of the Standard, your business will need to have in place a documented Quality Management System and to be able to demonstrate its implementation and ongoing maintenance.
Achieving accredited registration to ISO9001:2015 will not only improve the efficiency of your business, but will open up further opportunities with potential customers who recognise registration as an indicator of your company's ability to efficiently and professionally fulfil or exceed their requirements.
When you are satisfied that your Quality Management System is fully implemented and is being maintained, you can call on the services of a (UKAS) United Kingdom Accreditation Service approved registration body to carry out a third party assessment to ascertain that your business is meeting the requirements of the Standard. If this is successfully demonstrated, then a certificate will be awarded accordingly and your business will then be able to show the so called Tick & Crown symbol on your business documentation and vehicles.
Your accreditation company can offer a number of services including preparation and guidance on achieving accredited registration to ISO9001:2015.