ISO 9001:2015 - Find an ISO 9001 Consultant in the UK

Converting your business to operate to the ISO9001:2015 standard could help you outshine your competitors. Find out about what ISO can do for your business, for details about preparing your company for an assessment read on...

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get:ISO has gathered details from consultants experienced in the implementation of ISO 9001:2015.

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Non UKAS accredited certification body, the benefits may fall short of your expectations.
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Your preparation for ISO9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 is based on the plan-do-check-act methodology and provides a process based approach to documenting and reviewing the structure, responsibilities, and procedures required to achieve effective quality management in an organisation.

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ISO 14001:2015 Enviromental Management

ISO14001:2015 environmental management systems are the most common EMS (Environmental Management System)  the standard started life in 1993 and was previously known as BS7750, the standard saw a relatively modest uptake until the mid-2000's, there are now more than  11000 organisations certified in the UK with more than 220000 worldwide covering 159 Countries. 

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Other Standards

  • EN1090 - The harmonised standard for structural steel

    In 2012 The Construction Products Regulations (CPR) was introduced, this places a requirement on construction products that have a harmonised standard to be CE Marked

  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems

    Certification to ISO 14001:2015 demonstrates to customers that you take a serious commitment to protecting the environment.

  • ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems

    ISO22000 is a relatively new standard and is based around ISO9001but has been generated specifically for the food industry.

  • ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems

    ISO/IEC 27001 is the only auditable international standard which defines the requirements for an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

  • ISO 45001 Health & Safety Management

    Certification to ISO 45001 demonstrates to customers that you take a serious commitment to protecting your employees, contractors and the general public.

  • ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems

    With ever increasing legislation such as the Climate Change Levy, Carbon reduction Commitment combined with the pressure for carbon reduction through sustainability and resource efficiency the standard provides a framework to meet these requirements, having your system certified by an independent certification body demonstrates your commitment to customers and stakeholders.

  • ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems

    ISO 22301 is a rapidly emerging standard the expected take-up of certification within the supply chain will mean that companies will need to implement Business Continuity plans much quicker than expected or else face losing business to their competitors.